Water Quality

With our team of scientists, engineers and sustainability and environmental advocates, Aqua continues to innovate and invest in our technology and infrastructure. Our goal every day is to fulfill our mission of protecting and providing Earth's most essential resource.

Water Quality Reports
All water utilities must provide annual water quality reports, or Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), to customers as a way to inform about the quality of their drinking water supply.
Addressing Water Quality Challenges
Naturally Occurring Elements
There are various elements and minerals that are naturally occurring in groundwater, rivers, lakes, streams, wells, even in the soil. Learn more about a few of these elements and minerals.
Taste & Odor in Drinking Water
On rare occasions, you might notice uncommon tastes and odors in your drinking water. Read on to learn how tastes and odors develop in water, and the testing and treatment methods Aqua uses when these problems occur.
Water may contain pathogens such as bacteria (coliform, viruses) and parasites (giardia). Aqua uses chlorine to disinfect the drinking water. This disinfection process is called chloramination.
PFAS are man-made chemicals that can leach into groundwater. Read on for more on what we're doing to ensure the safety and quality of our customers' drinking water each and every day.
Lead is typically not found in public water distribution systems; however it can easily leach into water if present in service lines, solder, and/or plumbing fixtures at the home. Aqua regularly tests water within the communities it serves to determine if lead is present.
How Customers Can Help
You can help impact the water within your own home, as well as help protect our precious water resources as a whole.
The Water Cycle: From Source to Tap
The Water Cycle
Do you know what happens from water source — whether it's groundwater or surface water — to your tap? Read on to learn more about the water cycle, the various sources of water, and how these sources are treated.
Water Sources and Typical Treatment
Our water is obtained from surface water (streams, river, and reservoirs) and groundwater (wells). To assure that water quality meets regulatory requirements and is protective of human health, it must be treated using various processes.