Deduct Meter Program
Aqua’s Deduct Meter Program helps you save on wastewater bills for water that doesn't enter the sanitary sewer system.
If you received a letter about Aqua's Deduct Meter Program, it is because you previously participated in Lower Makefield, East Norriton or Limerick’s program. We’re pleased to share we received approval from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to implement this billing practice at Aqua.
This means that if you previously purchased and installed a deduct meter, you can start submitting your readings to Aqua for a deduction. Here’s how to do it:
- Go to and enter your account number and email address to verify your property eligibility and request access. By enrolling in the program, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions listed below.
- We will notify you within 2 business days if you have been accepted into the program.
- Once you are accepted, you will receive a program invitation from which will provide you a password to create your account. You can then submit your beginning meter readings and photos. The program period ends on October 31, 2023. You will receive a deduction in the form of a credit within two billing cycles.
If you have any questions about the program or need assistance with your account, please contact Deduct Program Customer Support at 610-541-4173. For tips and additional ways to save, visit
For a downloadable version of the letter you received in the mail, click here.
Sewer Charge Adjustment
The Company is authorized to allow deductions on sewer bills for water which is used but does not enter the Company’s system from April through October. A request for deduction shall be subject to the following regulations:
- To be an eligible Customer for this credit, the Customer shall have applied for or shall have been currently using the credit as of the execution date, of the Asset Purchase Agreement between the Company and Lower Makefield Township, Limerick Township, or East Norriton Township.
- No deduction shall be granted for customers who do not have a metered water supply.
- No deduction shall be granted for customers who are delinquent in their payment for service.
- One hundred percent of any used water for which a deduction is requested must have been prevented from entering the system.
- It is the responsibility of the customer to purchase, install, and maintain the Company approved deduct meter at the approved and inspected water outlet on their property. The meter shall measure water not entering the system and shall be eligible for deduction of that used water monthly.
- Customers are responsible for the installation and removal of their meters at the approved service locations each year to prevent freezing and damage. Deduct meters shall be inspected by the Company at the time of installation at which time the customer agrees to allow the Company the right to enter upon their property for inspection. Every deduct meter shall be required to be inspected annually by the Company in order for the customer to be eligible for sewer adjustment charges. The administrative fee charged by the Company to the customer is $50.00.
- The administrative fee for 2023 will be charged at the time the first reading is entered into the system.
- Customers will be automatically reenrolled annually, and the annual administrative fee will be automatically billed in March.
- All deduct meters shall be of a design approved by the Company, shall be registered with the Company prior to use, and shall be used only by the customer to whom it is registered and at the service location to which it is assigned in accordance with the Company’s records.
- Eligible Customers are required to submit, or cause to be submitted, all data required to calculate the credit in a manner approved by the Company within a time period determined by the Company. The Company shall then credit the customer’s total gallons consumed by the gallons recorded from the customer’s deduct meter.
- Ending readings must be entered into the system by October 31
- Submissions after November 10 will not be accepted and no deduction credit will be applied for the deduction period.
- Beginning readings must be entered into the system in order to receive a deduction credit at the end of the deduction period.
- No credit will be given if a beginning read has not been provided.
- The Company shall be authorized to inspect meters for accuracy and calibration at any time the meter readings are suspect and/or not considered representative of usage. The customer shall be responsible for obtaining calibration of the meter if the Company determines it is not accurate. Failure to make such change or provide such calibration data will result in disqualification from the program.
- All approved meters will be subject to the Company’s backflow requirements.