Aqua Pennsylvania Reminds Roaring Creek Customers of Mandatory Water Conservation due to Drought Conditions
As the drier than normal weather conditions persist across Pennsylvania, Aqua Pennsylvania is reminding customers that a Mandatory Water Conservation notice is still in effect for those served by our Roaring Creek Water Plant in the following communities:
Northumberland County:
- Ralpho Township, Zerbe Township, Coal Township, Mt. Carmel Township
Columbia County:
- Conyngham Township, Centralia Borough
Schuylkill County:
- Butler Township, Gordon Borough, Girardville Borough
Despite recent precipitation, we are still experiencing drought conditions. This mandatory water conservation order was issued on November 18, 2024. If restrictions are not put in place, customers could potentially see service impacts. Cooperation is critical to helping us ensure an adequate water supply.
To be clear, a mandatory water conservation notice applies to all NONESSENTIAL residential water use including:
- Washing of cars, trucks or any automobile or mobile equipment
- Power washing of any kind
- Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways, patios and sidewalks
Water use restrictions will continue until Aqua alerts customers that the mandatory conservation notice has been lifted. Please keep in mind that it takes a long time to get into a drought, and a long time to get out of a drought.
Customers can further assist by cutting back on essential water use by following the helpful tips below:
- Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Take showers, not baths: Showers are more efficient and use less water. The shorter the shower, the better. A 10-minute shower uses half the amount of water as a full bathtub.
- Cut back on rinsing dishes. Scrape off the food and let the dishwasher do the rest. Only run the dishwasher when it is full.
Aqua monitors and manages our water supply daily and we are working hard to supply our customers. We are re-issuing this mandatory conservation notice to ensure continued service and reliability. While we cannot predict how long the dry weather will continue, our operations, environmental and compliance experts plan for this type of weather event with our customers in mind. Aqua’s drought team will continue to monitor the situation and will alert customers when we believe the mandatory conservation notice can be lifted.
As always, if our customers have any specific concerns or questions, please reach out to us at 877.987.2782.
For more water conservation tips, please visit https://aquawater.com/customers/guides-and-tips.php