Partner with Aqua North Carolina

C. Ruffin Poole
Director, Regulatory Affairs & Corporate Development
Aqua North Carolina
Aqua North Carolina serves 323,000 people in 51 counties across the Tar Heel State.
Aqua North Carolina delivers quality water and wastewater services by hiring the best people and innovating and replacing aging infrastructure. In fact, Aqua North Carolina's mission is protecting and providing earth’s most essential resource.
Today, we are committed to bringing our customers not only water, but the safest, most up-to-date technology and infrastructure and the most caring customer service possible.
North Carolina Water Systems
Aqua delivers reliable service to North Carolina communities, meeting all federal and state regulations.
- Quality drinking water – Aqua North Carolina delivers safe drinking water to customers throughout the state. Aqua performs routine tests to all drinking water to ensure that it is safe for customers.
- Improving infrastructure – Aqua regularly repairs and replaces old water mains, pipes and wells, to provide reliable service and quality water.
- Rates – Aqua’s rates are based on actual cost of service. As a regulated utility, Aqua North Carolina water and wastewater rates are set and approved by the Public Utility Commission.
North Carolina Wastewater Systems
Aqua North Carolina has the technical expertise to offer superior wastewater services, surpassing all local, regional and national environmental quality and public health standards.
- Improving wastewater quality – Aqua North Carolina improves the quality of water dispersed from wastewater treatment plants back into the environment.
- An environmental approach – Aqua is constantly revolutionizing wastewater treatment, ensuring our methods are respectful of the environment and adhere to current and future North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality regulations.
- Safe for the environment – Aqua North Carolina treats all wastewater to remove harmful bacteria, and all wastewater that leaves Aqua’s plants is safe for all people, plants and animals.
Benefits of Working with Aqua
Most Americans have utility services, including gas and electricity, provided by an investor-owned company. Water and wastewater service, however, is typically supplied by municipal or authority-owned systems.
Many municipalities struggle to balance budgets that include a long list of priorities, from water and wastewater infrastructure needs, to schools, police and fire departments, roadways and bridges. For municipalities or authorities, Aqua North Carolina can be a partner by integrating water or wastewater systems into Aqua’s existing operations. This gives the municipality an influx of cash to put toward other priorities and alleviates the burden of maintaining their own water and wastewater systems.
Fair Market Value Legislation in North Carolina
In addition, under new law passed in 2018, fair market value (FMV) legislation in North Carolina allows companies like Aqua to pay a fair market amount for municipal water and wastewater systems. This benefits local governments, customers and the environment. Before the passage of this legislation, utilities were often limited to including only the original depreciated cost into their rate base, which became a regulatory barrier to a sale.
Get In Contact
To speak with Aqua about water or wastewater treatment options in North Carolina, please fill out the form below. If you are an existing or new Aqua customer, please call 877.987.2782.